Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

You are welcome at our upcoming events.

Click to view Past Events or a Monthly Calendar

Oct 22, 2024

Compulsive Eaters Anon (CEA)

CEA meets each Tuesday at 10 am in the Library. For more information about CEA, please visit https://www.ceahow.org/en/.
Oct 22, 2024

Finance Committee Meeting

The finance committee meets monthly, reviews the current financial reporting for the church and makes recommendations to the Vestry with regard to fiscal health of the church. If you are interested in volunteering for the finance committee, contact the Treasurer or the Senior Warden.
Oct 23, 2024

Healing Service

A time of worship and healing.
Oct 23, 2024

Brown Baggers AA

Brown Baggers meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon in the Parish Hall. For more information about AA and local resources, visit https://alcoholicsanonymous.com/aa-meeting/brown-baggers-carson-city/.
Oct 24, 2024

Caregiver’s Exchange Group

The St. Peter’s Caregivers’ Exchange Group provides a caring atmosphere to meet others who understand. This support group meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. They provide information and fellowship for anyone who is a caregiver. For more information contact Deb Cash at churchoffice@stpeterscarson.city
Oct 25, 2024

Sophia’s Salon Reading Group

This reading and fellowship group meeting on the 4th Friday of each month in the home of a parishioner. For more information, contact Louise Hogan at rhlhht@att.net. Dates of the Salon and Books for 2024-2025:
Oct 26, 2024

Nevada Day Parade

We are evaluating interest and excitement in St. Peter’s having an entry in the 2024 Nevada Day Parade. Check back for more details soon! THE LARGEST CELEBRATION OF STATEHOOD IN THE NATION Each October, Nevadans turn their attention to the state capitol, Carson City, home of the “official” Nevada Day Parade. Since 1938, the Nevada Day Parade in Carson City has been an annual coming together to celebrate Nevada’s heritage and the founding of this great state on October 31,…
Oct 27, 2024

Traditional Rite II Service

Sunday at 8 AM Traditional Service with Holy Communion A traditional Rite II  liturgy with hymns and a sermon. We gather at the altar rail for communion.
Oct 27, 2024

Virtual Worship via Zoom

Our 10 am contemporary service is also available via Zoom for those who wish to worship with us virtually. Click the link below and use the Meeting ID and passcode listed. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89632005621?pwd=ZSsvSzVJUGZQNElHU0lMMDFvSnNFUT09 Meeting ID: 896 3200 5621 Passcode: 123123
Oct 27, 2024

Contemporary Service

Sunday at 10 AM Contemporary Service with Holy Communion A new approach to the Anglican liturgy in contemporary language with contemporary music.  This is an informal family-friendly service.  Children may stay for the whole service; or may join the children’s activities and then reunite with their families for Communion.
Nov 2, 2024
prayer shawls

Prayer Shawl Knitters

Meets in a Library, for information contact Pat Frederick-Perona
Nov 9, 2024

Annual Holiday Bazaar

St. Peter’s annual holiday bazaar takes place on the 2nd Saturday in November. We welcome crafters and volunteers alike to support this festive fundraiser. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Deacon Veronica. There are tasks throughout the year, so you can volunteer at any time.
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