Calling Our Rector

Calling Our Rector

St. Peter’s is in the process of evaluating our needs and the appropriate steps toward calling our next Rector. This page will be updated with the steps being taken by the Vestry to that end. If you have questions about this process please contact any member of the Vestry or clergy.

What is the latest news?

Join us in the Parish Hall on Sunday, July 28 at 9 am (in between services) for an All-Parish Meeting for updates on the financial audit and the congregational assessment tool. More information on that meeting is on the EVENT CALENDAR


All Parish Announcement – An all parish meeting was called on April 14, 2024 in which the Vestry and Fr. Michael shared with the congregation the decision that the Vestry had made to request a Priest in Charge for St. Peter’s. A Priest in Charge is placed in a church by the Bishop with the blessing of the Vestry. They are placed in a church with the intent that they will walk with the congregation through the process of preparing the church for a search for a Rector. The significant message shared by the Vestry was that neither they, nor the Bishop, want to act in haste. We do not want to rush to call our next Rector. After having had the joy of one Rector serving St. Peter’s for nearly 30 years, it is important that we take time to discover who we are as a community before we call our next Rector.

What is the difference between a Priest in Charge and a Rector? A Priest-in-Charge is placed by the diocese for a limited term. A Rector is called by the Vestry after a period of mutual discernment to be the incumbent in charge of the parish for an indefinite term.

Can the Priest in Charge become the Rector? Yes, after the search committee is formed, church surveys and all other necessary steps are completed. If the Priest in Charge and the Vestry mutual agree to the call, the Priest in Charge can become the Rector.

How long with the process take? There is no hard and fast rule to this. We generally anticipate we may have a Priest in Charge at St. Peter’s within a year. From there it may take up to two years to call a Rector. Adding to the timeline is the fact that there is a shortage of priests nationwide.

What are the next steps for St. Peter’s? The next step for St. Peter’s will be to complete an audit of our financial records and to complete a parish assessment. We anticipate both the audit and the assessment to be complete by end of Summer 2024.