Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Stewardship is an essential part of our spiritual journey. Stewardship is an opportunity for the people of God to share their time, talents, and treasure for the glory of God in serving the parish of St. Peter’s, our local community and the world at large. That’s just the starting point. We also believe stewardship encompasses much more. Christian stewardship is living our lives in such a way that we embrace the principle: what blessings we have flow from God and we are to be faithful stewards of the “flow” we receive.
We invite you to join with us and be part of this journey of joyful giving and the strengthening of our community.
Being a cheerful giver
You may wish to make a one-time gift or make the commitment of an annual pledge. We honor that everyone gives in the way that is most appropriate for them. Whatever it looks like for you, we thank you for being a cheerful giver.
- You may give via cash or check
- You may mail your donation or place it in the collection plate on Sunday
- You may give through our online platform, Tithely (click button below)
- You may choose a donation to our general operating fund
- You may also choose to donate to one of the following:
- Projects fund – for special projects and capital fundraising
- Discretionary fund – for the clergy to use at their discretion to help those in need in situations where privacy and discretion are most important.
- Flowers – to honor a loved one or a celebration any time of year
- Easter or Christmas gifts for a special time of year or in honor of a loved one