Sep 20, 2024
Brown Baggers AA
Brown Baggers meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon in the Parish Hall. For more information about AA and local resources, visit https://alcoholicsanonymous.com/aa-meeting/brown-baggers-carson-city/.
CANCELLED – Mass on the Grass
We are sorry to report that the Annual Mass on the Grass has been cancelled this year due to the ongoing and uncertain nature of the Davis Park Fire. Prayers continue for all of those affected. We will resume regular services at 8 am and 10 am at St. Peter’s on September 22 and look forward to enjoying Mass on the Grass again next year.
Sep 24, 2024
Compulsive Eaters Anon (CEA)
CEA meets each Tuesday at 10 am in the Library. For more information about CEA, please visit https://www.ceahow.org/en/.
Caregiver’s Exchange Group
The St. Peter’s Caregivers’ Exchange Group provides a caring atmosphere to meet others who understand. This support group meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. They provide information and fellowship for anyone who is a caregiver. For more information contact Deb Cash at churchoffice@stpeterscarson.city
Sophia’s Salon Reading Group
This reading and fellowship group meeting on the 4th Friday of each month in the home of a parishioner. For more information, contact Louise Hogan at rhlhht@att.net. Dates of the Salon and Books for 2024-2025:
Prayer Shawl Knitters
Meets in a Library, for information contact Pat Frederick-Perona
Nevada’s 54th Episcopal Diocesan Annual Convention
The clergy, wardens, and elected delegates to convention are invited to attend the annual Diocesan Convention. In 2024 it will be held in Las Vegas. Elected attendees should consult with clergy and the church office for details on hotel registration, convention registration, and expense reimbursement for travel. When: October 10-12, 2024 Where: Las Vegas Who: Hosted by Grace in the Desert and Epiphany What: To Build a Case for Love Why: Because the world needs love Every year elected delegates from each…
Mary ~ Martha Guild
The Fall of 2013 witnessed the creation of a women’s guild that combines spiritual formation through experiencing the ancient Wisdom tradition with a willingness to be of service to St. Peter’s and the wider community. We are delighted to watch the synergy (and laughter) that results when we combine study with service. Meetings are held in the Parish Hall from 5:30 to 7 pm on the second Thursday of each month. All women of St. Peter’s are welcome, as are…
Combined Service
Prior to the annual meeting + potluck, there will be one combined worship services at 9 a.m. Join together with the entire congregation to pray together before we break bread together and conduct the important business of St. Peter’s. Please note this means there is an interruption to our usual 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. service schedule.
Annual Parish Meeting + Potluck
Our annual all-parish meeting and potluck brunch takes place the 3rd Sunday of November. This is a time to celebrate our church family and discuss business matters of the church as presented by the Vestry. There is one service at 9 am and the potluck and annual meeting business afterward. At the annual meeting we also elect Vestry members to serve in the upcoming term and elect our delegates to the annual diocesan convention. If you have interest in serving…
Caregiver’s Exchange Group
The St. Peter’s Caregivers’ Exchange Group provides a caring atmosphere to meet others who understand. They provide information and fellowship for anyone who is a caregiver. This support group typically meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. However the dates have been changed for November and December to accommodate the holidays. For more information contact Deb Cash at churchoffice@stpeterscarson.city
Caregiver’s Exchange Group
The St. Peter’s Caregivers’ Exchange Group provides a caring atmosphere to meet others who understand. They provide information and fellowship for anyone who is a caregiver. This support group typically meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. However the dates have been changed for November and December to accommodate the holidays. For more information contact Deb Cash at churchoffice@stpeterscarson.city