St. Peter’s Community Labyrinth was born in the dreams of the parish in the early 2000s. It was lovingly designed and created starting in 2010 and was dedicated on May 4, 2019. It is open to all who wish to enter at any time.
A labyrinth is a walking meditation. It is named by the type of pattern and further identified by the number of circuits. The St. Peter’s Community Labyrinth is an 8-circuit Chartres Labyrinth, styled after the famed gothic labyrinth in the Cathedral de Chartres in Notre Dame. St. Peter’s Gothic Revival architecture is complemented by this classic Chartres Labyrinth.
One simple way to approach the labyrinth is to think of the center and your center. You walk and meditate or pray until you reach your center, then you walk and meditate or pray your way back out.
We celebrate World Labyrinth Day annually on the first Saturday in May.