Holy Week is upon us, that time of year we contemplate the mysteries of this God-given life, death & new life. Here is the schedule of Holy Week services – Palm Sunday 8am, 9:30am Palm Procession, 10am; Maundy Thursday 6pm with the Seder, foot & hand washing, instructed Eucharist & stripping of the altar; Good Friday 12pm @ St Teresa’s, 7pm at St Peter’s; The Great Vigil of Easter 7pm Saturday; Easter 6:30am Sunrise, 8am, 10am, Easter Egg Hunt. The 2nd Offerings on Palm Sunday & Easter at both services goes toward supporting Food for Thought in Carson City, feeding school children.
Holy Week reminds us we are loved no matter our circumstance – trauma, tragedy, trial, tribulation – we are loved. We are not alone.
The Very Rev Jeff Paul ++
Blessings in this blessed season.