Posts from February 2020
From the rector
Dear people of St Peter’s, Next week the season of Lent commences with Ash Wednesday, the 10:00 am service in the church building and the 6:30 pm Ecumenical Service at First Untied Methodist Church. Coventry Cross is hosting a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper the evening prior at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm. If anyone can bring bacon, sausage, or juice, that would be lovely. The first Sunday of Lent is March 1st. Sunday services open with the Penitential Order –…
History arrives
A long awaited project for St. Peter’s has reached completion. An official historical marker now sets out the details of our Rectory, the residence of the first Nevada State Governor. It took the persistent efforts of a trio of parishioners to “bring it home.” Hallie Murphy secured the donation of the stone building blocks. Gayle Bowers persuaded a donation of the masonry work to put it together. Marilyn Peshek persisted in tracking down and securing the plaque itself, long ago…