From the rector

From the rector

Dear people of St Peter’s,  

Next week the season of Lent commences with Ash Wednesday, the 10:00 am service in the church building and the 6:30 pm Ecumenical Service at First Untied Methodist Church. Coventry Cross is hosting a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper the evening prior at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm. If anyone can bring bacon, sausage, or juice, that would be lovely.  

The first Sunday of Lent is March 1st. Sunday services open with the Penitential Order – a General Confession and Absolution – and proceed in a more austere fashion. Lent can be observed with self-examination and experimenting with new behaviors (known in church circles as “repentance”), prayer, fasting, self-giving service. These are actually year-round activities. Lent just gives them an added energy and focus.  

The Lenten Lunch program commences on March 1st through March 29th Sundays 11:30 am – 1:30 pm in the Parish Hall. This year we’ll be exploring biblical stories from the vantage point of the women in the stories. We’re calling it “Lemons & Laughter.” Please start thinking about what soups, salads, or breads you would like to share with others. All are welcome and encouraged.       

Vestry will be on retreat Friday February 28th and Saturday February 29th at Camp Galilee. Prayers for the work of the Church are welcome.  

Monday March 23rd 7:00 – 9:00 pm we are partnering with Temple Bat Yam, North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation, and several Christian faith communities for some very special guests with Friends of Roots, Jewish and Palestinian speakers. Mark your calendars. The venue is TBA.

Fr. Jeff+