Sermons on Reconciliation

Sermons on Reconciliation


Deacon Veronica Galas explores crossroads in our life and from 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 and Matthew 4:12-23. What would it be like for us to love our neighbor; through collorborative. legistlative, political decisions and collective compromise, value based, not as lobbyists but as advocates for humanity. Bishop Michael Curry

When Night Ends

Father Jeff explores the upside-down world of Jesus with a dramatic reading, scriptural background, and a story about a rabbi who wants to know how to tell when the night ends. Our readings from Jeremiah 23:1-6 and Luke 23:33-43 are read aloud in the recording. Father Jeff shares an excerpt from The Overdue Life of Amy Byler by Kelly Harms in our sermon today… Stop Shouting, Nina. Only the Voice of God gets to use ALL CAPS. Kelly Harms in…

Jesus On A Scroll

Father Jeff talks about how Jesus signs up for God’s plan of mending all that is broken. You can read the scripture by clicking on the scripture references here: Nehemiah 8:1-10 and Luke 4:14-21  or listen to the gospel in our recording.